Today in my teenage angst, it's Christmas Eve and I have gotten some pretty rockin Christmas cards. I find that cards are the best way to give people something without buying them a gift. I gave substantially less gifts than ever before and I'm pretty happy about that fact. Not only can I not afford it, but it's just not necessary.
Anyway. Here are some beautiful cards I've gotten thus far.
This one is actually a post-card from my friend Deena, who is a fabulous Opera singer in Toronto. She has the busiest life but makes time to write me legit letters and send them in the legit mail. She's the best.
This one is from my friend Shaina. She too is the best. She's the business manager at a coffee-shop/boutique here in Moose Jaw. We have unending things in common and enjoy standing in the store making fun of the product the owner buys. Now I hope only Shaina reads this.
This one (front and back) is from my bestest friend Karlie. She's a personal trainer, who is also the nicest and was willing to critique my squats and plank pose during our Christmas hang-out yesterday. I wrote last year in my new year's post that I was trying to convince her and her husband to make it their New Year's Resolution to make me an Auntie and they totally pulled through. Karlie is due in March and it has been the absolute best watching her be the best future mom and deal with her pregnancy like its just no big deal.
So here's wishing you the best Chrismtas day tomorrow (or today as you likely won't read this on Christmas eve night). I have pretty strong beliefs about the purpose of Christmas but unabashedly indulge in the commercialized version. The best part about our Christmasses is our family. There's only four of us and it's the absolute best. Tomorrow morning, we'll wake up earlier than anyone actually wants to, open stockings, eat breakfast, meditate on Christ, his birth and sacrifice, and then open our presents. Tonight we had Christmas dinner, played Scattegories and Racko and are about to fall asleep at 8.30. There's nothing wrong with that but we'd all like to sleep at least till eight tomorrow.
Anyway, I hope your holidays are as good as mine.
Love to all.
If you'd like to know more about Christ, his birth and sacrifice and the history of Christmas, e-mail me at and I would be ecstatic to answer your questions.