Monday, February 15, 2010

Today in my teenage angst, I went to a movie with my sister.  

Gilbert Blythe was there.  

She wanted to break a slate over his head. 


suzy said...

me & barclay are arguing over the interpretation of this blog entry...

Hannah-Leanne said...

What are the opposing arguments?

Mich said...

yah! what does this mean?? a guy who looked like gilbert? a guy who was trying to get beth's attention by calling her names? or like the actual guy?
My guess is there was an annoying boy who was admittedly attractive but beth was annoyed by him :)

suzy said...

i thought it meant that maybe there was a boy in beth's life who was very much like the gilbert in anne's life and he was at the show.
barclay thought maybe the actor who played gilbert in anne of green gables was in the movie.

Hannah-Leanne said...

You've all misinterpreted.
A boy who looked very much like Gilbert Blythe at the movie. He looked especially like Gilbert from his slate-smashing days.

That's all.

suzy said...

oh cool. fair enough.