Monday, July 18, 2011

Why hello, Blogger!

Well its been over two months. I think. Where have I been? No where, really. I've been working and playing and running and festival-ing and gearing up for Harry Potter and feeling defeated and sad after Harry Potter and other such summery things.

I found out last week that for a week in August they're turning off the A/C at the Library for a whole week to fix it. Kill me. I am an incredibly warm person. My blood is as thick as an Eskimo - or whatever is politically correct these days. So I'm already sweating like a horse with the A/C on - working though it barely is. I'm terrified for the day when there is no air circulation. At least I'm losing my water weight.

All this to say, I'm back. I think. I hope. I only left in physicality - as physical as the blogger-sphere can be. I was thinking about my little home on the internet the whole time I was gone. I just couldn't get here. Sadly.

In not very long, I'll be posting several movie reviews that I've been saving for months. You'll know I've been saving them because their dated nature - aka these movies did not just come out. All however, are worthy of a good review and I hope mine might persuade you to watch, if you haven't already. Which you probably have. Like I said. These movies did not just come out. OH and these reviews appear on my review blog

Well that's that for now. Please welcome me back with open arms and lots of comments. Also - find me on bloglovin' here! 


Suzy Krause said...

yay!! i've missed you!

Anonymous said...

I'VE MISSED YOU TOOO!!!!! I love your vlogs...i think they're stellar.