Five Reasons why Logan Huntzberger is the best of Rory
Gilmore’s Boyfriends
#1 – He is really hot.
And like, so is Jess. But Logan is the kind of bad boy hot
that you want to chase after, not the kind of bad boy hot that you work hard to
avoid but eventually give into. Also Logan went on to do The Good Wife and Friday Night Lights. Where on
earth is Jess? Dean was clearly just crying to be set free to go hunt demons with
his brother. (Thanks for that Adriene.)
These arguments will get better.
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#2 – He challenges Rory to be better.
Believe it or not, our Rory Gilmore is a little flawed.
She’s focused to a fault, a little self-involved (in a super endearing way, of
course), and she has a hard time stepping out of her stringent self-monitoring.
Logan meets her where she’s at, in taking her on a Life and Death Brigade
outing for the purpose of journalism, and teaches her that sometimes the most important thing is that moment in
time itself. And while his willingness to throw caution to the wind often gets
him in hot water on a number of levels, he’s always willing to step up to the
plate when he needs to. Rory benefits from this part of his personality,
countless times, in countless ways.
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#3 – He already lives in the world in which Rory most
As we know, Rory comes from a long line of upper class
Americans. Continuing this line, her mind and abilities have always been bigger than Stars Hallow and
while this doesn't always jive with Lorelai, she belongs in the world of her
grandparents. Logan steps into this world with a comfort that can’t be matched.
This is seen during the time that Rory works for the DAR – when she’s away from
Yale – and is in the public eye on a very regular basis. As he accompanies her
to events and his presence becomes a staple. He interacts well with Richard and
Emily, as well as their peers, and encourages her to perform her public duties
#4 – He can match her on an intellectual level.
Logan’s family is overwhelmingly successful. This puts a lot
of pressure on him to become something big, in order to carry on this success.
While this tends to inspire his dare-devil rebellion, but it doesn’t remove his
inherent intelligence. Let’s think back to that episode when Rory had to
produce the paper in like six hours because Paris had a nervous breakdown.
Logan, though he no longer worked for the paper, stepped in and masterfully helped
her pull it off. Not only was this hilarious (Paris really stole this episode
with her Beautiful Mind-like bunker), but it showed Logan’s innate business
saavy and resourcefulness. Also it was super hot. I mean, who doesn’t like a man
who can get stuff done. I think we can all agree that Rory needs someone who can
meet her a social as well as an intellectual level. Logan is that someone.
#5 – He really, really, really, really, really cares.
Think back. Dean only cared if Rory liked him the most. Jess
only cared if Rory was using her mind to its fullest potential. Logan cared
first for Rory’s happiness, health, and safety. Furthermore, he cared for the
needs of her family. When Richard had his second heart attack, it was Logan who
rushed to the hospital to meet Rory and be present not only as a comfort to
the family but also to take care of any pressing needs. All of these were
put before there was ever a question of whether or not Rory liked him best or
was using her mind to the fullest. He was willing to make these worthwhile assumptions.
And I think that helped in strengthening their relationship.
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This isn’t to say that Rory and Logan never had problems. We
all remember the blow-up after Honor’s wedding when Rory found out Logan had
slept with someone when they were on a break. But Logan’s immediate solution is
to talk it out. Which I feel is a pretty healthy approach.
All this to say, Logan is the greatest and the greatest he
will stay!
Anyone want to build me an argument for the other two? I’m
obviously open . . .
1. Um HEROES???
2. Jess challenges Rory to read and think more!! (Not that she really needs to do that...)
3. He puts on a false front!! He's all charming but secretly loathing them...
4 & 5 - ok fine i can't think of any more devil's advocate arguments.
I agree... BUT i think it makes viewers think that his bad boy antics are ok. And they're not always ok.
Hahaha. Mich. All of your arguments against Logan work toward my arguments against Jess. Jess's bad boy antics (skipping school, running away, encouraging Rory to blow off responsibilities, etc) aren't okay either. Logan's antics came at the greatest cost to himself; not those around him. Furthermore, Jess was challenging Rory t be more of who she already was which made her even more stringent in her self monitoring which led her further down an unhealthy mental path. Logan helped her move away from that, toward a freer outlook.
I wish that Rory had gotten back together with Jess when they reconnected after he wrote his novel and was working at the small publishing company (when Logan was being a serious jackass).
I agree that he wasn't the best when they actually dated, and Dean was WAAAAYYYYY too needy (and you're right, be defs needed to kill some demons and man up). But after he had his life figured out I think they would have been great together.
And Rory inevitably decided that she didn't want to be fully in her grandparent's world and Logan wanted her to settle down. I think that he, in the end, didn't actually understand her goals and what she wanted out of life. She always wanted to be Christiane amanpour and that isn't what Logan wanted her to be. Jess would be all about that.
plus his name just says - "I'm a solid guy who will settle down with you and be your best friend for life!" doesn't it? or maybe that's just me. ;)
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